What Are the Common Sedation Options in Pediatric Dentistry ?

Are you anxious about your child's upcoming dental appointment? 

We get it. 

It can be difficult to reason with a child in the comfort of their home. Imagine now bringing them to a strange place and asking them to sit still on a chair while a weird-looking person checks their teeth. Understandably, most of them will refuse to do it. 

Here's where sedation dentistry can help your little one feel calmer and get the treatment they need. 

Whether your child is scared, needs a more complicated treatment, or has a condition that prevents them from sitting still for longer periods, you can consider these pediatric sedation options.

Common Pediatric Sedation Options 

The pedatric dentist will recommend the most appropriate sedation option based on several factors, like your child's medical history, the type of treatment needed, the length of the procedure, and their anxiety level. 

After reviewing all these factors, they will recommend one of the following sedation options: 

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): This is the mildest type of sedation. It's a gas that the child will inhale through a mask. As they breathe the gas in, they will become very relaxed, but still awake. The effects wear off quickly after the mask is removed and the side effects are minimal to non-existent. 
  • Oral Sedation: With this type of sedation, the child will receive a pill before the procedure. The medication helps them relax and the degree of sedation can vary from minimal to moderate, depending on the treatment they need. If they need to undergo a lengthier treatment, Dr. Danny Le will adjust the dose to make sure your little one is comfortable throughout the entire procedure. 
  • Intravenous (IV) Sedation: This type of sedation is only recommended for extensive dental treatment or if your child needs a deeper type of sedation. The medication is administered directly into the bloodstream through an IV. The child may fall asleep during IV sedation. 
  • General Anesthesia: With general anesthesia, your child will enter a deep sleep and become completely unconscious. General anesthesia requires specialized equipment and trained personnel and it's only used in a hospital setting. 

How Glow Pediatric Dentistry Can Help 

Dr. Danny and the team at Glow Pediatric Dentistry have created a really fun and positive environment. We know how to make kids feel safe and trust us. However, we understand that some of our tiny patients may have a harder time getting into the dentist's chair. For them, we offer laughing gas and oral conscious sedation to help them feel calm and comfortable. This way, we make sure that your child has a positive experience while we keep their tiny teeth healthy and thriving. 

If you have more questions about pediatric dental sedation, don't hesitate to get in touch with us

If you are ready to book your child's appointment, you can do so by sending an online request or by calling our office at (512) 887-7816

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